Landslides in the hilly region of Bangladesh and their mitigation measures.

1.0  What is Landslide?

A landslide is the failure of rock, debris, soil, and the movement of grounds. 

Landslides photos
A sample Photo of Landslides 

2. The object of the study

  • To understand landslides
  • To find out the major causes of landslides in BD 
  • To identify the area afflicted by landslides in BD 
  • To Suggest the effective mitigation measures 

3. Types of Landslides 

Types of Landslides
Types of Landslides 

4. Causes of Landslides in respect of Bangladesh's hilly area!

  • a. Hill cutting for brick fields
  • b. Hill cutting for road expansions
  • c. Deforestation in hilly areas!
  • d. Prolong rainfall 
  • e. Water flow due to heavy rainfall  
  • f. Hill cutting for residential areas etc.
Some Causes of Landslides
Some Causes of Landslides: Sample photos 

Some Causes of Landslides
Some Causes of Landslides: Detail in Pie chart

4.a. Natural causes:

  i) Gravity
  ii) Heavy and prolonged rainfall
 iii) Earthquake 
 iv) Wave
 v) Volcanoes etc. 

4.b. Anthropogenic causes:

       i) Jhum cultivation
       ii) Deforestation
       iii) Unsustainable vegetation 
       iv) Soil cutting for roads, cannel, drainage, buildings etc. 

5. Where do landslides occur mostly in Bangladesh

Where do Landslides occur in Bangladesh
Photo: Where do Landslides occur in Bangladesh

6. Major landslides in Bangladesh

Major Landslides in Bangladesh
Chart 01: Major Landslides in Bangladesh

Major Landslides in Bangladesh 2
Chart 02: Major Landslides in Bangladesh

7. Some Vulnerable Landslide Areas of Chittagong City 

Some vulnerable landslide areas of Chittagong City
Photos: Some vulnerable landslide areas of Chittagong City

8. Effect of Landslides

  • Injury and death
  • Property damage
  • Water quality and quantity can be affected. 
  • Transportation system can be damaged.
  • The people will be refugee.  

9. Mitigation Measures or how to prevent Landslides 

Landslideapproaches may be prevented by stabilization of slope. There are three basic :
    • Geometric methods
    • Hydrogeological methods
    • Chemical and mechanical methods

10. Example applications of mitigation measures:

Examples of mitigation measure: Horizontal drain for dewatering
Horizontal drain to dewatering 

Mitigation measures of Landslides: Retaining wall
Mitigation measures of Landslides: Retaining wall

Mitigation measures for Landslides: Fill slop and soil nails
Mitigation measures for Landslides: Fill slop and soil nails 

11. Some more points of mitigation measure

  • Improving surface and subsurface drainage
  •  Constructing piles 
  •  Preserving vegetation
  •  Rock fall protection
  •  Stop hill cutting 
  •  Tree plantation and vegetation 
  •  Development of policy

12. Slogan to stop landslides in Bangladesh

Slogan to prevent Landslides in Bangladesh
Slogan to stop landslides in Bangladesh

Landslides are killer!
Let's be aware!!
This has to be stopped now!!!
Let's stand together!!!!
Our response must start now!!!!!

Thank You.


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